Thursday, April 2, 2020

The History of the Ion in Chemistry

The History of the Ion in ChemistryIt may not seem like a big deal, but for those of you who are curious about the history of the ion in chemistry, you may want to know how it came to be. In essence, the ion was created when some amino acids were mixed with sodium ions in a container and stirred together.Chemists knew there had to be an electric field to affect the atoms so that they would follow the voltage changes that were induced by the acid. An electron then traveled from one atom to another. When the electrons reached the amino acid, they could come together to create the ion.Now, that was centuries ago in the early days of the 'science of matter'. But, this doesn't mean that the science of electricity is dead. Quite the contrary. The science of electricity and the ion in chemistry is used to describe the interactions between one element or group of elements and another.Consider the word salt. It describes something that has a large negative charge (negative ion). This is the m ost common example of the ion in chemistry, although it isn't actually part of the natural organic compounds. The word is derived from the Greek words (salta) meaning 'salt' and (ion) meaning 'a cloud'.The modern use of the ion in chemistry was when we first discovered it was possible to treat various kinds of tissue or cell in an animal body as if they were a whole organic structure. One is done by blocking the charged particles from the environment so that the molecules can move freely through the body.Some people call this technique 'electron selective drug delivery'. These particles have to be prepared in such a way that they may pass through the cells while blocking the vital particles and avoiding the destruction of the rest of the organism. Electron selective drug delivery is one of the applications of the ion in chemistry.The best examples of the ion in chemistry would be the atomic ion. We call this kind of ion an atomic group. The next time you come across an interesting m olecule, look closer at the word 'ion' to learn more about the science of physics.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

4 Things to Do the First Week of Classes

4 Things to Do the First Week of Classes Ready or not, here come the first week of classes! While it may seem like you just sat down for your last final exams, there are plenty of things to start doing the first week of classes, like going back-to-school shopping for new study supplies and re-starting those morning alarms. But if you want this semester to be your best one ever, you need to kick off some more in-depth initiatives the first week of classes to ensure you start off strong. By doing the following four things the first week of classes, youll lay the foundation for a stellar continuation of the school year. 1. Meet with your instructors the first week of classes It can be easy to avoid one-on-one contact with your new teachers or professors until you absolutely need their help, and many students end up taking this approach. However, one of the best things you can do during your first week of classes is establish a relationship with your instructors so they know your face and name. Visit your professors office hours to introduce yourself, and let them know how excited you are for the spring semester. A little effort can go a long way! Face-to-face time with your instructor is necessary for a great student-teacher rapport, and that can later lead to more effective assistance with exam prep, or perhaps a needed letter of recommendation. 2. During your first week of classes, evaluate and make new goals Before you decide how youre going to make your new semester a great one, you need to evaluate how your last semester went. To start, make a list of things that went well: Did you get great grades on your papers? Did you do a good job balancing your school work with your internship or part-time job? Next, think about specifically what you did to be good at those thingsthese strategies, habits, and tactics are what you should make a point to continue into the new semester. [RELATED: New Years Resolutions for Students] After that part of your self-reflection is complete, consider the things that didnt go so well. Did you fail to study well ahead of time for midterms and finals? Did you often sleep through your 8a.m. lecture? When you think about the things that didnt go as well as you hoped, you can identify what negative habits may have contributed to them and make a point to avoid those this semester. Once youve completed this part of your self-reflection as well, you can begin to make tailored goals to improve your weak areas and continue to strengthen your positive ones. 3. Master your schedule for your first week of classes For some students, this may seem like an easy taskbut it is still vitally important. Getting used to a new schedule can be difficult, especially for college students who are running between multiple buildings on campus. Classes may be starting way earlier than youre used to, or ending later into the evening. Knowing when you have time to study is one of the keys to your success this semester. Plan out chunks of time you have on campus that you can spend in the library or at a professors office hours, and evaluate how many extracurricular activities you can take on. Ensure you also know exactly where your various classes are on campusyou might have some classes at a new building youve never been to before, so consider checking it out on an off day. Dont wait too long before figuring these things out! 4. Throughout your first week of classes, get ahead where you can The first week of the semester may be known as syllabus week, when instructors spend the majority of the time reviewing the semesters schedule and dont necessarily assign any reading or assignments. Instead of using this down time to completely relax, try to get ahead on some of your reading, or start an organizational system to get all of your assignment deadlines and test dates in place. Get these things laid out in a planner or calendar now so you wont have to worry about figuring them out later when youre busy with all of your classwork. Double-check that you have the following items as well: required textbooks any supplemental materials requested by professors extra pens and pencils notebooks and folders for each class Lastly, prepare for any other needs you anticipate. Do you know youll need a tutor in advanced biology? Look into biology tutoring and start making those arrangements while you have the free time. Hoping to gain the benefits of group studying this year? Start reaching out to classmates to gauge whos interested. Your future self will thank you! Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

Friday, March 6, 2020

Solve the following System of Equations - Online Tutoring

Solve the following System of Equations - Online Tutoring System of equations are more than one equations which contain the same solution. To solve a system of equations we require the same number of equations as the number of unknown variables. An equations can consist of one or more than one unknown variables with different coefficient numbers and constant numbers. Example 1: Solve the system of equations x - y = 10 and x + y = 6? Solution: The given equations are x - y = 10 and x + y = 6. Here x, y are the unknown variables. Substitute the variable x. From one equation x = 10 + y, substituting in the other equation. This gives 10 + y + y = 6; 10 + 2y = 6; 2y = -4; y = -2 Now substitute y = -2 in x + y = 6; x = 8. Hence the solution is x = 8 and y = -2. Example 2: Solve the system of equations x - y = -3 and x + y = 1? Solution: The given equations are x - y = -3 and x + y = 1. Here x, y are the unknown variables. Substitute the variable x. From one equation x = -3 + y, substituting in the other equation. This gives -3 + y + y = 1; 2y - 3 = 1; 2y = 4; y = 2. Now substitute y = 2 in x + y = 1; x = -1. Hence the solution is x = -1 and y = 2.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What is a circle graph

What is a circle graph A circle graph is a graph of a circle whose chords, when drawn from one point on the circle to another point on the circle intersect each other within the circle. Circle graphs are also known as pie graphs or pie charts, and the intersection of the chords in the circle is used to represent different proportions or statistical data of certain information. Circle graphs or pie charts are very useful and helpful in organizing information and to compare and represent ratio of a part with respect to the whole. Example 1: In a basket of fruits there are 2 apples, 4 oranges and 2 peaches. Show the percentage of the fruits in a circle/pie graph. Total number of fruits in the basket = 8 Number of apples= 2== % of apples = 2/8 * 100% = 25% Number of oranges= 4== % of oranges = 4/8 * 100% = 50% Students in dance club= 1==% of them= 1/10 * 100% = 10% Number of apples= 2== % of apples = 2/8 * 100% = 25% Number of oranges= 4== % of oranges = 4/8 * 100% = 50% Number of peaches= 2== % of peaches = 2/8 * 100% = 25% Therefore the percent of each fruit is shown in the circle graph. Example 2: In a class of 10 students, 4 students are in science club, 5 students are in sports club and 1 student is in dance club. Show the percentage of students in each club in a circle/pie graph. Total number of students in the class= 10 Students in science club= 4==% of them= 4/10 * 100% = 40% Students in sports club= 5==% of them= 5/10 * 100% = 50% Students in dance club= 1==% of them= 1/10 * 100% = 10% Therefore the percentage of students in each club is shown.

Molar Mass

Molar Mass Molar Mass Chemistry deals with the compositions of atoms and molecules. There are innumerable number of reactions where the atoms and molecules react with each other and form products. Molar mass of molecules and compounds play a very important role in different stoichiometric calculations. Every atoms or compound have both physical and chemical properties. Molar mass is one the physical property of the given substance. It can also be referred as the mass of the given molecule or compound. Difference between amu (Atomic mass Unit) and grams/mol. The Atomic mass unit or the amu is the units that is used for measuring the mass of each atom. Periodic table is often referred to find mass of the atoms. In the periodic table the mass of each atom is given in terms of amu. This atomic mass unit of an individual atom is taken to find the molar mass of a compound or a molecule. The unit of molar mass is however grams/mol as its the combined mass of the atoms. Shown below are examples related to the calculation of the molar mass. The Molar mass of one mole of CuSO4. Given is one mole of Copper Sulfate CusSO4. Follow the steps below for finding the Molar mass: One mole of CuSO4 consists of 1 Copper atom, 1 Sulphur atom and 4 atoms of oxygen. Refer to the periodic table get the atomic mass number of Copper (Cu), Sulfur (S) and Oxygen (O) atoms. For finding the molar mass of CuSO4 add the masses of the atoms as shown below: Mass of CuSO4 = (Atomic mass of Copper) + (Atomic mass of Sulfur) + 4 (Atomic mass of Oxygen) The periodic table is always used to find the mass number of the given atoms. Cu has a mass number of 63.456 amu, Sulfur S has a mass number of 32.065 amu, and Oxygen has a molar mass of 15.9994 amu. Adding all the atomic mass units gives the following: Molar Mass = 1(63.456) + 1(32.065) + 4(15.9994) = 63.456 + 32.065 + 63.9976. = 159.6086 g/mol. The Molar mass of 1 moles of NH3. Given is 1 moles of NH3 which is also called as Ammonia. Steps for finding the Molar mass of Ammonia: One mole of NH3 consists of 1 Nitrogen atom, and 3 atoms of Hydrogen. Refer to the periodic table get the atomic mass number of Nitrogen (N), Hydrogen (H). For finding the molar mass of NH3 add the masses of the atoms as shown below: Mass of NH3 = (Atomic mass of Hydrogen) + 3 (Atomic mass of Hydrogen) The periodic table is always used obtain the atomic mass number of the given atoms. N has a mass number of 14.0067 amu, Hydrogen has a mass number of 1.00974 amu. Molar Mass = [1(14.0067) + 3(1.00974)] g/mol = [14.0067 + 3.02922] g/mol = 17.03592 g/mol. Rounding the answer to two decimal places. Follow the steps below: Relation between Molar Mass and Number of Moles: The molar mass of a substance is independent of the number of moles. This is because molar mass of the substance weighs according to the composition of its atoms. The total mass of the substance however increases with the increase in the number of moles. The Moles and Molar mass of a substance are connected by the formula stated below: The units for the mass of a substance is grams and the units for the moles is mol. This also implies that the units for the molar mass of a given substance is grams/mol. Shown below are some solved examples to find the number of moles for different substances. 1) Find the molar mass of a 3 mole of an element weighing 60 grams. Mass of the substance given = 60 grams. Number of moles = 3 moles. Using the formula: Molar mass = 60 grams/3 mol = 20 gm/mol. 2) In a lab experiment the chemist used 9 moles of Fe2O3. Find mass of Iron Oxide consumed if the mass was totally consumed. For calculating the mass of Iron Oxide Fe2O3, its molar mass is required. One mole of Fe2O3 consists of 2 atoms of Iron and three atoms of Oxygen. Refer to the periodic table to obtain the atomic mass unit for Iron and Oxygen. The atomic mass unit of Iron is 55.845 amu and the atomic mass unit of Oxygen is 15.9994 amu. Adding the atomic mass units gives: Molar mass of Fe2O3 = 2 (55.845) + 3 (15.994) = 159.6882 g/mol = 159.69 g/mol (approximately.) Using the formula: Mass of Fe2O3 = 159.69 x 9 = 1437.21 grams. 3) Calculate how many number of moles of H2O molecules weight 36 grams. Given is the mass of H2O molecule = 36 grams. Now find the Molar mass of H2O in the following steps below: The H2O molecule has two Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom. For finding the molar mass of one H2O molecule look for the atomic masses of Hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen atom weighs 1.00794 amu and Oxygen weighs 15.9994 amu. Molar Mass of H2O = [2(1.00794) + (15.9994)] g/mol = [2.01588 + 15.9994] g/mol = 18.01528 g/mol. = 18.0 (On approximation.) Use the Molar mass formula mentioned above for finding the number of Moles: Substituting the values gives: Moles = 36/18.0 = 2.0 moles.

3 Questions to Ask Your College About Financial Aid

3 Questions to Ask Your College About Financial Aid Learning to navigate financial aid can be challenging, and it is not a topic that is always forefront in students minds as they prepare for schoolafter all, academics, extracurricular activities, and social opportunities are of great interest to students! In order to better understand the system at your institution, here are three questions to ask your college about financial aid: 1. What are the financial aid deadlines, and how can I ensure I have submitted the necessary paperwork? Many students believe that because they submitted their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and indicated their school of choice, they are finished with the financial aid process. However, this is not the case. The college or university you choose to attend may maintain its own deadlines, and in many cases, there are additional steps to address, documentation to provide, and forms to fill out before your financial aid application is considered complete. Ensure you speak to your financial aid office about any next steps after you fill out your FAFSA. Certain offices post information and checklists online, but if you have any questions, call or visit in person for in-depth assistance. Often, schools create student portals for their financial aid system. Students must log in to electronically complete forms, update their information, and submit their financial aid files. Ask your college or university if it will contact you if you need to fill out additional forms or provide documents, or if you will need to check an electronic portal or online student system. Double-check that your contact information, including your email address, is current and accurate. Some schools rely solely on electronic communication, so it is imperative that you have a working email that you check frequently. Here is some great information on colleges that address financial needs. 2. What additional forms of financial aid are available, and how do I go about applying for them? In addition to the funding available through the federal government, there are other types of aid available to students, such as state funds, grants and scholarships for specific colleges or universities, or programs that pertain to certain groups of students (such as education majors or freshmen). Often, these funds require a separate application. Inquire with your financial aid office to determine what other options are available, as well as how you can apply for them. In addition, financial aid offices can frequently direct you to places where you can apply for scholarships, programs, or grants that can provide assistance with school expenses (i.e. textbooks) depending on your specific circumstances. 3. When will I be notified of my financial aid award? Not knowing how much or what types of financial aid you will receive can be stressful. Ask the financial aid office when you will be notified of your award, as well as how you will be notified. If you have not heard back from the financial aid office by the date it notes, contact the office to ensure your award notification was sent. Knowing when you will hear about your financial aid award can help ease your mind, as well as allow you to better plan for your college experience. Financial aid can sometimes be confusing and difficult to navigate, but by asking questions of your financial aid office, you can be sure you have the most information possible. Become as informed as you canabout the financial aid process at the college of your choice, and remember that the staff is there to help you succeed in your academic career!

A Student Review of University of California, Irvine

A Student Review of University of California, Irvine The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teachtheyre sharing their college experiences as well. Allison earned her bachelors degree in cognitive sciences at University of California, Irvine and earned a juris doctorate from Thomas Jefferson School of Law. She lives in Sacramento and specializes in algebra tutoring, English tutoring, psychology tutoring, and several other subjects. See what she had to say about her experience at University of California, Irvine: Describe the campus setting and transportation options at University of California, Irvine. Allison: University of California, Irvine has a great campus setting. There are plenty of transportation options. Although I lived on campus the first year in the dorms (so I didnt need to worry about transportation because I walked to class), my remaining three years I lived off campus. University of California, Irvine provided shuttle buses for students outside of campus and even to some of the surrounding cities. I had friends who biked and carpooled as well. One of the reasons I loved UCI was that Irvine was voted one of the safest cities in America. I never had any issues and I found the campus and city safe, welcoming, and clean! How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Allison:I loved the staff at University of California, Irvine. All of my professors and teaching assistants were not only willing, but eager to help. They were always an email, if not a meeting, away, and they really seemed to appreciate students who asked questions and took the time to meet with them outside of class. I also found that my academic advisors were knowledgeable, communicative, and helpful. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Allison:Dorm life was pretty great. We had lots of different options. I personally lived in Mesa Court, but I also had friends who lived in Middle Earth. I felt that I met students with similar interests, but I also had the opportunity to meet students with different backgrounds and goals. The dorms were pretty close to one another and to school, and it took about 5-10 minutes to get to class (walking) from either one. I loved all of the different options for using your meal card. I definitely bought one the first year and it saved my lifeespecially during midterms and finals. The dorms, as well as the student body and organizations on campus, always had something to do. I felt that there was always a place for anyone and everyone on campus. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported at University of California, Irvine? Allison:I think we are known more for biological sciences, and I met a lot of students who were pre-med my first year. With that being said, I was not pre-med; I was part of the Social Sciences School, but I felt that that was represented as well on campus. I had friends who were involved in different majors and programs, and we were all happy with our experience. University of California, Irvine really does go above and beyond, because they provide multiple opportunities and avenues for students to succeed. From professors, TAs, tutors, and even life coaches provided and sponsored by the Counseling Center, University of California, Irvine offers every opportunity for students to achieve their goals. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Allison:I thought it was very easy to meet students and make friends as a freshman. For one, University of California, Irvine offers SPOP, which was the student parent orientation program that allowed students and their parents an opportunity to stay in the dorms for a night and meet some of the new freshman. I was so excited to start because I had already made friends before I even started school. I personally didnt feel that Greek life was extremely significant, but thats because I didnt rush my first or even second year of college. I did rush my third year of college and I discovered that Greek Life could be whatever you wanted it to be. If you wanted to be super involved or just a little, finding a sorority or fraternity that respected or met your needs was easy, attainable, and fun. I loved my sorority sisters, but I am glad that I didnt rush until I was sure that it was something that I wanted to pursue. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Allison:I thought our Career Center was great. The staff was helpful and I enjoyed taking the personality assessment tests to find the right career for me. I also really liked our Counseling Center, as they provided opportunities for those in psychology to get involved and harness their public speaking and/or people skills. I didnt utilize the on-campus recruitment options like I wish I would have, but there are so many opportunities, and I had friends who worked at Fortune 500 companies right after graduation. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Allison:From the libraries, common hall, outside lounges, student lounges, and coffee houses, there are so many places to study on campus. The libraries could sometimes get crowded during midterms or finals, but as a whole there was always a seat or desk available when one needed it. And the lounges near Crystal Cove seats are so comfy! Try not to fall asleep! Describe the surrounding town. Allison:Irvine is in the heart of the OC. I lived in Irvine for 4 years, and eventually after school I moved to Costa Mesa and the Laguna Beach. I had friends who lived in Newport Beach, Long Beach, and Huntington Beach and commuted. There is always something going on, whether its at the beach, a music festival, or cook-off. Some students did stay near Irvine, but Irvine as a whole is a pretty quiet town. Some of us traveled outside of Irvine if we wanted to go to the beach or go shopping, but I really liked hanging out in Irvine and trying the different cuisines. How big or small is the student body of University of California, Irvine? Allison:Personally, the student body was overwhelming for me. I came from a school where my entire student body was the size of a full lecture hall. It felt a little too big, initially, but Im so happy that it was such a large class size because I felt thats what made our school so diverse. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Allison:I worked with the Counseling Center for the last two years of my college career. I was a C.O.A.C.H. (aka a student life coach), and it was myself and 13 other students participating in the program. We all had different majors, experiences, and goals, but we all had one thing in common: we wanted to help people. The purpose of C.O.A.C.H. was to help students struggling with social, academic, and personal goals. Although we worked with students with their problems, we also were able to share our own personal history and life stories with each other. I would have never guessed I would have become so close with the other coaches, but we were all so sad to leave by the end. Our mentor and professor set the tone for our group and required that we be honest, respectful, and thoughtful, not only with our clients, but ourselves. This life lesson is something I still use today while working with clients in the legal setting, and I am forever grateful for everything she taught me. Check out Allisons tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.